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ErickArcElliot – Family Matters

25 Nov

Erick (of the loveinus family)’s album Almost Remembered, dropping January 2011. Not only a fresh emcee, Erick’s at the helm of everything he does creatively. From audio production to song writing to graphic design, this is a man who know’s exactly what he’s going to do in the next few years. Big fucking things coming out of this Brooklyn native.

Do Your Homework.


24 Nov

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this kid since I was still a snotnosed virgin. He’s a true artist. If you fucks with Illustrate, I fucks with you, end of story. Hit the jump for his latest release, look for big things in the happening in 2011 from one of Long Island’s most respected ex-patriots.

Live @ Southpaw (photo credit notsure)

Premium OldHead Of The Week: The Many Faces Of Ice T’s Past Lives & Why He Is The Way He Is.

26 Sep

This is Ice T, the gangster rapper.


This is from Ice T’s first life, as a breakdancer & not a very good one at that. Pay close attention to the lack of backspins and the really expensive dance studio as well as the flailing arms and the cut off shirt that reads Ice T. How gangster is that?

Next, Comes Ice T, following his first resurrection where he came back to life as a gangster rapper, so gangster that he claimed that he was the ORIGINAL gangster. Notice how now he even says he WON’T dance? WHY WON’T YOU DANCE FOR US, ICE?

Next, comes Ice T as a punk, not a very good one at that. This MUST have been Henry Rollins’ Fault. I’m almost sure of it.

However many times he switched up his story, THIS is where Ice T starts really contradicting himself. On the soundtrack for New Jack City, the title track by Ice T is called “New Jack Hustler,” the lyrics depicting him being a gangster like he hadn’t played a narc in the movie with the same name! This guy is COMPLEX.

Next comes the final transformation, i give you Special Victims Unit Detective Ice T, play on playa.


Very Not Gangster.

Very Not Gangster.

So what have we learned here today? I’d say that usually the people that need to say how hard they are, really aren’t that tough. I mean sure there are a few rappers that maybe sold a few grams, a few hand to hands but i doubt any of them really pushed weight with the exception of a few emcees that have the court cases to back up their claims.

But even then if we the viewers can justify someone as legitimately gangster because they’ve been pinched then we’re ALL missing the point. It’s just a facade. Ice T acting like a cop is the SAME as Ice T acting like a dancer or a gangster or a pimp and a punk! At the end of the day Ice T is an actor, a life long actor, fitting rolls and molds he needed to play in order to pay the bills.

Reminds Me Of The 2004 Republican Convention…

28 Aug

Tear gas & Riot gear against unarmed civilians. 

Too Bad It Doesn’t matter what party you’re protesting,

It’s just that you ARE protesting that bothers cops that much.

Play that shit back & watch how swiftly they goup her right off the sidewalk.

Don’t Call It A Comeback!

28 Aug

Shine A Light On The World…


Back At It Bitches!! This blog from this point on is in the name & celebration of music, art, writing (sheer creation in general) & the pursuit of freshness! I was inspired to resurrect ‘thekidswereneveralright,‘ my old blog in an attempt to share my passions with as many people as possible. 

 Now more than ever my tastes and ideals are ever changing, revolving around my own primitive notion that everything has the capability to be called or even consitered “art.”  With that said, in the coming weeks I will begin showcasing & interviewing several artists, all from different perspectives, backgrounds, & mediums. I’m talking emcees, producers, photographers, painters, graph writers, ghost writersWHATEVER, if you got talent you fit the bill. I hope to make this site something of a stepping stone, the very center for which inspiration could be drawn and exchanged. 

So thank you for visiting Word Premier, feel free to add me to your blogroll, comment &/or email me.

-Moses Kush.

‘Oh The Things You Will See…’

1 Apr

There is something simmering, sour and of poor age brewing in a pocket of hazardous chemicals, seeping from the depths of our nations once proud melting pot, sure to bring calamity along for the ride harboring its callous stench.

All of the ingredients from a far seem to be in fair shape but this writer would bet his ill fated Social Security that upon further inspection such items would prove to be rotten and corrupted, others premature, and the rest would prove to be pork grinds posing as filet minion. And, to add to this curious concoction, imagine if you will shadows behind curtains running anamatronic puppets. Ladies and Gents, the new and improved 2008 presidential candidate!

Someone of fair importance but not enough so to share credit with once told me that in order to grasp and grapple the gap of tomorrows possibilities one must admire their current surroundings.

Moral is at an all time low. Home foreclosures at an all time high. Unemployment on the rise. Unions crumbling. AIDS. Ports that once supplied the world with steel have been bartered out to the highest bidder to ensure the importation of Chinese products and the near demise of so called American Workmanship; ushering in the age of American Consumption. Oh I could go on for years.

My father has told me, on several occasions that participating in the electoral process is civic duty, and furthermore a privilege. I do not know anyone my age that feels that way. Then again I don’t know anyone my age that even reads, so I’d take that last statement with a grain of bitter sea salt.  I do not know of any candidate that is worthy of my ballot currently electioneering this year, and to be frank I’ve known plumbers with more charisma than Hillary or Obama.

  Oh the options! I spoke before of the rancid and the premature, respectively Hillary and Obama. I have not for a moment, not as a New Yorker, not as a voter, not even as an optimistic dreamer ever thought Hillary Clinton fit for presidential status. I for one personally believe that after eight years of second generation Bush we’d learned our lesson and try out some fresh blood. Perhaps a veteran statesman, groomed in international affairs and well versed in military channels like that of Colin Powell. Perhaps his opting out on the candidacy should tell us something about our current conditions.

Oh the premature politician that is Incumbent Junior Senator Obama. How can a man that seemingly sprouted from nowhere suddenly find himself at the forefront of the Democratic nomination? Sharp tongued and quick to quip, he stands in rather neutral territory. He is neither here nor there on most issues and though he has made the center of his campaign to end the on going war and occupation of the Middle East he has even proved to not stand firm on the strongest of his issues.

Some people claim that Obama is the Robert Kennedy of the 21st century, braving the Democratic crest with his bare knuckles. I see no remnants of the Kennedy charisma even when I squint, although I might add I’m certain I could sniff out Ted Kennedy in a brewery with the lights off. So what does it really matter who endorses who in the coming year? Suddenly Oprah’s loyal army of stay at home moms has become a voting power over night. Politicians dropping like flies on the campaign trail when the coming election is just short of a year away.

So where do we truly stand come this November? There isn’t a single worthwhile candidate in the whole lot, in the opinion this reporter. Perhaps it’s been this way for years, several bleak candidates, sporting bleak slogans and bleak supporters all promising the same bleak optimism. There is no silver lining here, this country is dying. And these so call candidates are the executioners. Neither versed enough to stand their own in the next world war emerging from the fog nor strong enough to stand their own in the face of adversity and deep routed difference.


Blu & Exile – Blu Collard Workers”

1 Apr